How Solar Power Can Change The World?


-By Joy Batra

Can solar power run my entire house? Is the solar-powered system really valuable? Why is solar power the best source of energy? What are the benefits of solar energy? And most importantly, is it affordable? Well! if you have all these questions in your mind, you’re at the right place. Let’s find out the answers to all these questions in this article. But at first, starting with what is solar power?

What is Solar Power?

Basically, solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity. Either directly using photovoltaic (PV), indirectly using concentrated solar energy or a combination of both. PV cells convert light into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The Pavagada Solar Park, Karnataka, India, is currently the largest photovoltaic power plant in the world with an output of 2050 MW.

Solar energy was first used nearly in the 17th century. Processes that were once expensive and inconvenient are now easier to manage and more accessible than ever. The sun is a huge resource for generating clean and sustainable energy without any pollution or toxic emissions from global warming. And this energy can be used for any of work in person or in industry. You’re only just required the equipment that can harness its powers.

Some solar-powered gadgets

Solar-powered devices and gadgets are now so common that it is possible to control the entire home. From charging devices to air conditioners to driving your solar car all with solar energy. Here below are some common solar devices which we see in our daily life-

Benefits of solar power

  • No more global warming – Solar powered systems do not emit greenhouse gases into the power generation process. No production greenhouse gases hence, it does not pollute water. In contrast to nuclear power plants which require 20 times as much water, very little water is required for maintenance. This making them the cleanest and most practical solution to preventing environmental damage.
  • Zero/Reduces your monthly bills – If you choose to install a solar-powered system and batteries for your home, you can have more control over the average electricity bill during the year. Households with the highest electricity prices from local utilities can save the most by switching to solar energy.
  • Energy loss in transportation is less – Some of the energy, about 3-5%, is lost during transport and distribution. The farther the distance between the point of production and supply, the more energy is lost. These losses appear to be insignificant but could affect facility performance in areas of high population density.
  • New jobs creation – Most of the costs for the solar-powered system are caused by installing modules. This helps create jobs at the local level. The use of the solar system stimulates the economy and has positive effects on local communities. Hence, when you and your community gets employed, everyone get jobs.
  • An endless source of energy – Millions of kilowatts of solar energy hit the earth’s surface every minute, which, when consumed, could completely change the life of a normal person.

Affordable or not?

The claim that solar power is currently uneconomical is a lie. Oil, gas and coal are not economical. Getting started with solar energy and installing equipment may cause high cost. But if you compare it with maintenance and higher costs of other energy sources, it is easy and relatively inexpensive. Switching to solar energy does not require state assistance. People just need to adjust their minds to switch to this energy source. Further, India currently leads the way in producing the world’s lowest-cost diesel, well ahead of other countries with the lowest average production costs, the report said.

“India is projected to have the lowest total cost of installing a new solar photovoltaic project commissioned in 2018 at a price of $ 793 / kW, 27% less than the project order. in 2017, by a report in 2019. In addition, India is the only country where the cost of setting up solar photovoltaic projects fell dramatically and the fastest by 80% between 2010 and 2018. Compared to the other eight major markets including China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United The states of America.

Here below are the installation costs of solar PV of each country in 2018-

Did you know?

Every 24 hours, enough sunlight hits the earth to supply energy to the entire planet for 24 years.

As mentioned above solar power is almost an infinite source of energy from the sun. And the sun is also alive for another 6.5 billion years, according to NASA. So adapting this technology in a shorter period of time worldwide will surely fulfil all the human needs in future. Solar power is getting a large scope in space exploration due to its renewability and effectiveness. But that’s the topic for another article.

What are your views on solar power? let me know in the comment section below. Thanks for reading this article, hope you have found it useful!
Image Sources: Google Images


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